November 30, 2008

It's not the same anymore...

Tear drops and candle lights
Bloody souls and sleepless nights,
Death is just the beginning
It’s not the same anymore.

Fatal minds, the scars they wore
Casual walks no fun no more,
Smoky plumes across the clouds
It’s not the same anymore.

Heads do spin when bodies crumble
There is madness in this jungle,
Debris burn and birds don’t fly
It’s not the same anymore.

Sounds they were, oh, so haunting
Posing casually, guns they were flaunting,
Danger lies around the corner
It’s not the same anymore.

Women, Children- Young and Old
Lives are way more precious than Gold,
Terror has an ugly face
It’s not the same anymore.

Tempers flare and people stare
Need a place to hide, but where?
My heart is heavy and too numb
It’s not the same anymore.


Excited 2 B Alive said...

Tempers flare and people stare
Need a place to hide, but where?
My heart is heavy and too numb
It’s not the same anymore.

Exactly everybody's state of mind!

wats next i wonder

esprit libre (Srividya Srinivasan) said...

It resonates.

Zeph Keyes said...

"Terror has an ugly face
It’s not the same anymore."

terror has always had an ugly face... but i think u've captured the pervasive feeling.. nice piece, but how sad you had to write this :(

Confused Martian said...

Whoa! What is this! A piece of pure, unadulterated poetry that speaks out headlines way better than any self-conscious damsel in front of the camera on the 24-hour news channel! Take a bow, Arvind. Pure genius.

mooligai sidhan said...

Its not the same anymore -

Particularly your poetry!

Wonderful and like the martian says - pure original verse!

arvindiyer said...

To Excited 2 B Alive...

What's next? Well I hope there is no next to such madness and tragedy. But I guess it's not upto you and me now is it?

arvindiyer said...

To Srividya...

It's deafening.

arvindiyer said...

To Zeph Keyes..

Well this piece is probably the hardest piece that I have ever written. And I just hope I never get to write about something so grave and tragic.

arvindiyer said...

To Confused Martian..

Thank you da. Thank you very much. But I would have much rather written something that I would be extremely happy about taking all these wonderful compliments for.

arvindiyer said...

To Mooligai Sidhan..

I hope in some way or the other this NOT THE SAME ANYMORE tag sticks with my writing. Thank you again Baba.

Confused Martian said...

Any good work of art is born out of darkness. Get acquainted with those dead european painters!

arvindiyer said...

To Confused Martian..

Ofcourse. The dead european painters:)

Pixilicious said...

its not the same anymore, but it'll get better. we'll make it. chin up.

arvindiyer said...

To Pixilicious...

Oh yes. The chin has been up for a while now:) Thank you.

Canary said...

Hello fellow aspiring filmmaker!

arvindiyer said...

TO Canary...

Hey, Look who's here:)